Training philosophy

The Buechler Lab is composed of a team of hard-working, optimistic, courageous and enthusiastic do-ers. We work with deliberate urgency because our work has value for basic science and translational medicine.

Vision: To develop therapies targeting fibroblasts & macrophages that will benefit patients suffering from fibrosis, cancer, infection and autoimmunity 

Mission: To uncover the foundational aspects of fibroblast & macrophage biology required to discover and actuate therapeutic targets


  • Fostering a learning culture with high psychological safety – a climate of equality, diversity, respect, trust and openness in which people can raise concerns and suggestions without fear of reprisal.

  • Train dynamic thinkers and effective communicators (writing and presenting). Employ 80 / 20 goal setting and 90 / 10 problem solving.

    • Identify and focus on the most important 20% of goals / tasks

    • Aim to accomplish 90% of goals with 10% of effort / time

  • Bold, persistent experimentation in laboratory organization.

Positions and expectations

Members of the lab are expected to execute the research program of the lab and develop an independent scientific vision of their own. They will also be active, positive members of the Toronto Immunology community. Postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) and graduate students are expected to apply for funding as an exercise in writing / expressing their ideas effectively. PDFs (~1x per year after 1st-2nd year) and graduate students (~1x per year after 2nd-3rd year) are encouraged to travel and participate in national and international meetings. 

  • PI: Model confident humility and curiosity. Endeavor to help lab members become their best natural selves. Ensure the lab has enough funding so that members are limited only by their imaginations. Provide technical guidance and help members hone critical thinking and communication skills.

  • Lab manager/RA: Independent project (20%), Assistance with PDF and graduate student projects (20%), Lab management/ordering (20%), Mouse colony management with PI (20%), Institutional protocol management (20%).

  • PDF: Single-minded focus on project(s). Aim to produce high-level manuscripts and be a resource for graduates and undergraduates. Salary: 60k/year, with 2% increases per year, pending provincial regulations. Salary may be supplemented though additional funding.

  • Graduate student (PhD): Learn how to be a scientist that produces high impact manuscripts and a positive community member. Finish the requirements for thesis (2 manuscripts).

  • Graduate student (MSc): Build a new tool or develop a novel experimental approach within an existing high impact project.

  • Computational scientist: Work as a full partner with PI/RA/PDF/graduate students to accelerate discovery. Excellent opportunity for a short-term PDF.

  • Undergraduate/Intern: Be exposed to a laboratory and find out how fun/rewarding science can be.

Other details: 

  • Lab members will be furnished with:

    • A computer (+ required software) and equipment needed to conduct experiments, save data, etc.

    • Headspace account and access to the mental health resources of the UofT.

    • Membership to the Canadian Society of Immunology.

  • Flexible work schedules that promote efficiency, convenience and productivity are encouraged so lab members can succeed professionally and personally.

Selected Reading:

  • One from Many - Dee Hock

  • Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek

  • Eleven Rings - Phil Jackson

  • Think Again - Adam Grant

May. 2024